
Pleiades Duo

10 februari 11:00 - 12:30

Huis de Pinto organiseert i.s.m. het Conservatorium van Amsterdam een laagdrempelig, informeel podium voor talentvolle musici die ook eens zonder stress iets willen uitproberen; nieuw repertoire, een try-out, improvisatie: Wat zíj willen!

“Le nuove musique” 

Het Pleiades Duo bestaat uit:
Irene Sorozábal - mezzosopraan en blokfluit
Luke Starkey - theorbe en luit


Io canterei d amor (de Rore/ Bassano
Ricercar from Il Dolcimelo (Virgiliano)
Io son ferito ahi lasso (Bovicelli/Palestrina) 
Canzon terza (Frescobaldi)
Non più guerra (Caccini)
Passacaglia (Kapsberger)
Adiuro vos, filial Hierusalem (Cima)
O dulcedo meliflua     (Cima)
Dalla porta d Oriente     (Caccini)

zaal open 10:30 | aanvang 11:00
toegang 5 euro (enkel cash, geen pin aanwezig)

Irene Sorozábal is a Spanish recorder player and mezzosoprano based in
Amsterdam. She has performed Early Music and Contemporary musicinfestivals like
“Gaudeamus Muziekweek” , “Amsterdam Fringe Festival” and “Utrecht Early Music Festival”.
She obtained her Recorder Bachelor degree in 2018 with Erik Bosgraaf as main teacher.
Irene has played with the Royal Wind Music, double consort recorder ensemble,
as well as in several Contemporary Music projects such as Koerikoeloem by Miranda Driessen and “Over de beiaardier die in een klok veranderde” by Jorrit Tamminga.
She has sung in choirs conducted by Sigvards Klava (Latvian Radio Choir),
Rob Vermeulen (Musica Vocale) and Adrianvan der Spoel (Música Temprana).
Currently she studies Early Music Voice with Xenia Meijer.

Luke Starkey Graduating from Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in 2010, Luke Starkey is an active performer of early music on lute and theorbo. Luke has received training in his lute studies from Lynda Sayce, David Miller, Toby Carr, and Fred Jacobs. Luke performs as a soloist, as part of a duo for voice and lute, and as a basso continuo player in opera productions and chamber music concerts. He is a member of ensembles such as Camera degli Angeli, Dellingr Duo , with whom he performs in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands. Furthermore he performs amongst baroque dance classes, and engages with the public about early music, historic art, and period instruments through talks and lectures.