Mujeres Argentines Musica

17 februari 20:00 - 22:00

Klassieke muziek uit Argentinië

De sopraan Claudia Rolando, pianiste Melina Marcos en violiste Cecylia Fenrych nemen het publiek mee op een reis door de Argentijnse klassieke muziek. Werken van verschillende componisten, zoals de bekende Guastavino, Ginastera en Piazzolla, schetsen een rustiek landschap en een droomwereld. Met liederen over bloemen, aarde, lucht en water openen ze de deur naar de Argentijnse muziekgeschiedenis.

Meer over de uitvoerenden:

Claudia Rolando was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She holds a Degree in Music Arts with a specialization in Singing from the University Institute of Arts and a Degree in Classic Singing from the National Conservatory of Music, Argentina. Nowadays she teaches courses in Choir and Singing at the University of Valladolid, Spain. As a singer, she has performed in internationally renowned theatres in Europe (Germany, England, Spain and Holland) and America (Argentina, Peru and Chile), such as the Colón Theatre in Buenos Aires. Nowadays she is writing her PhD Thesis on the Singing Learning Processes, at the Music Department at the University of Valladolid, with a scholarship from the Basque Country Ministry of Education and as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Amsterdam.

Melina Marcos was born in Buenos Aires in 1982. When she was 23, she earned a Degree in Piano from the National Conservatory of Music “Carlos López Buchardo”, Argentina, and a Degree in Music Arts with specialization in Piano, from the University Institute of Arts, Argentina the following year. She won the Accompanying pianist position in Viola and Sax Departments of the University Institute of Arts in 2003. She began her teaching career at the age of 21, when she joined the National Conservatory of Music as a teacher’s assistant of piano for undergraduate and graduate students. Since 2007 she is a Piano Professor at the same institution.

Born in Poland, Cecylia Fenrych started her musical education at an early age. She went on to graduate Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan, USA where she studied Visual Arts and violin with Julia Bushkova, viola with David Holland.
Cecylia continued her studies at the Longy School of Music in Boston and later at the Zurcher Hoschule der Kunst. While in Switzerland she founded the Kubrick Quartet, and as its member performed in various festivals across Europe. Her artistic collaboration with Zvi Carmeli resulted in studies at the Tel Aviv University and at the Jerusalem Academy of Music. Later she moved to Amsterdam where she continued her musical education at the Conservatory and founded the Fenrych Quartet. With this group Cecylia performed at the Grachtenfestival and the StLSQ seminar at Stanford, CA.

deur open 19:30 | aanvang 20:00
toegang € 10