Directed by Bob Rafelson
98 minutes
In English with English subtitles
The summer of love of the radical 60s, would soon turn into a winter of discontent in the 70s in America. This thoughtful and insightful film signaled what was in the air, and also caught an unobstructed view of a certain section of American life that rarely reaches the big screen. And of course this film is famous for containing one of Jack Nicholson's best performances of his entire career.
Jack Nicholson stars as Robert, a drifter who once wanted to be a concert pianist, but somehow got sidetracked. Part of the problem is that although Robert is rebellious and intelligent, he also feels the cultured elite are phony and hypocritical. So instead, as the film opens up, he is working on an oil rig rather than playing classical piano. After work he is drinking, gambling and cheating on his girlfriend. His girlfriend Rayette isn't the brightest girl in the world, and her goal in life is to become a country western singer. It's clear that even though Robert rejects his upper class background, he doesn't really fit in with the working class either.
Robert is wandering, alienated from everything around him. This atmosphere is marvelously captured by director Bob Rafelson. When Robert hears that his father is dying, he heads north to visit him....and then the film unfolds as we follow him on this journey. The soundtrack is composed of Tammy Wynette and Mozart, which reflects the weird schism that the main character is caught within. Rich in mood, with an unusual and poignant script. The film was nominated for four academy awards.
DATUM EN TIJD | Donderdag 6 maart | Zaal open om 20.00 | Aanvang film om 20.30 | Entree 3,- | Vrienden gratis | Wees aanwezig voor 20.15 om verzekerd te zijn van een zitplaats!