Huis De Pinto organiseert in samenwerking met het Conservatorium van Amsterdam een laagdrempelig, informeel podium voor talentvolle musici, die ook eens zonder stress iets willen uitproberen; nieuw repertoire, een try-out, improvisatie: wat zíj willen.
Gita Vata León (fluit)
Alejandro Cabrera Cano (viool)
A.B Fürstenau Duetto no. 4 in D Major op. 137
G. P. Telemann Duetto in G Major
Conny Campagne Thema und Variationen für Blockflöte und Violine
Bartolomeo Campagnoli Dúo in D Major
C.P.E. Bach Duo in E minor
Born in Gran Canaria, flutist Gita Vata León is currently studying at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam with Vincent Cortvrint. She has won the second prize in the first edition of the competition organized by the International Bach Festival, as well as participated in numerous masterclasses with great soloists such as Kersten McCall, Felix Renggli and Maestro Peter Lucas Graff.
Alejandro Cabrera Cano, a 19-year-old violinist from the Canary Islands, is currently studying at the prestigious conservatory in Amsterdam with Peter Brunt-successor to the well-known 20th-century teacher, Dorothy Delay. After 16 years of experience playing this instrument, he has participated in numerous orchestral projects, and has performed solo with the Joven Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria.
zaal open 10:30 | aanvang 11:00 | entree € 5 (alleen contant, geen pin) | vrienden van Huis De Pinto gratis | reserveren via 020-3700210 tijdens openingstijden