We are incredibly happy to invite you to enjoy The One Minutes Series ‘The power of transparency’ curated by Minhong Yu. The screening is followed by performances inviting to immerse into our ways of rethinking in quarantine time.
As everyone is welcome, but because of safety in small numbers, we present three sessions of this screening. Please reserve your seat for one of the three sessions of our first live event in months!
‘The power of transparency’ consists of 14 One Minute videos made by artists in isolation in China, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Now that the whole world is locked down at home, we all are united in isolation. Despite of being restrained, there is no limitation to our imagination. Close your eyes and let what is opaque become transparent. Transparency is the perfect camouflage. If there is nothing to hide, why do we fear transparency? Can we practice transparency to transfer and filter overwhelming information? How can we become transparent to reflect our emotions in an imbalance of power?
Minhong Yu
Fag Tips
Clara Rosso
Zuza Banasinska
Qiteng Wu
Sijing Zhang
Chen Feng
Qianfu Ye
Louis Hothothot
Lu Lin
Wenjing Chen
Alejandra Morote Peralta
Luca Heydt
Jun Zhang
Effy Fu
Session 1: 19:45-20:15
-Introduction by Julia van Mourik, director The One Minutes
-Q&A with the audience
-'Distance of poetry'by Qianfu Chenny Ye
Session 2: 20.30-21.00
-Introduction by Julia van Mourik, director The One Minutes
-Q&A with the audience
-‘Q&A with the ceiling’ by Zuza Banasinska
Session 3: 21.15-21.45
-Introduction by Julia van Mourik, director The One Minutes
-Q&A with the audience
-'Dream a lucid dream in plant land' by Effy Fu
The One Minutes is a global network devoted to moving image. The One Minutes Foundation produces and distributes one minute videos from an artistic point of view, offering an international stage for people to create, engage and connect. Every two months, The One Minutes Foundation puts out a new series of 60- second films that investigate how we perceive and engage with moving image.
door open 19:15 | start 19:45
seat reservation: [email protected]
admission 5 euro, free entrance for Vrienden van Huis De Pinto